The Guardian’s Oath: Keeper of the Eternal Tome

Harken, dear guardian of legacies and lore, unto thee I bestow a charge most sacred, a treasure beyond measure. In thine hands now rests the tome of ages, the vessel of wisdom that has traversed the sands of time, bearing upon its shoulders the whispers of the ancients and the secrets of the sages.

Guard it, O vigilant keeper, as the dragon guards its golden hoard, with eyes aflame and heart unyielding. Let not its pages, steeped in the ink of eternity, fall prey to the ravages of neglect nor the shadow of oblivion. This book, bound by the breath of history, demands thy courage and thy constancy.

Shield it from the tempest’s fury and the plunderer’s greed. Enfold it in the cloak of thy devotion, let it dwell beneath the canopy of thy vigilance. For in its lines lies the alchemy of knowledge, the power to transform the mind and stir the soul.

So, heed this call, O chosen sentinel! Rise and affirm thy oath, to watch over this beacon through the night, through the storm, through the relentless tide of time. Stand firm, for thou art now the bearer of light, the keeper of the flame, the guardian of a legacy that must endure, must survive, must prevail.

Thus, with the weight of this duty upon thee, let thy resolve be as the steel of the stars, unwavering, unbreakable, and true. Protect this precious charge as if all of humanity’s future were woven within its leaves. For indeed, it might.


Imagine having nearly infinitesimal ideas that you know will never all be released into the world, mainly held back by Time itself. And yet there’s ppl sitting around playing tweedle-dee w/ their thumbs up their arses wasting away all day doing nothing for the world. Not that we don’t need these ppl, but some of these ppl are bad for society, and many of them hinder those trying to better the world.


no matter who believes me, i KNOW that I have a VASTLY deeper understanding of the world, society, and people than the rest of the world does- the rest of the world meaning the vast majority of the people (people, being the everyday person).

“Illusion of Control”

The behavior of truck drivers, particularly those who engage in reckless or domineering road practices, can indeed be a subject of philosophical exploration, touching on themes of power, responsibility, and societal norms.

Power and Control

Driving a large vehicle like a truck can inherently instill a sense of power and dominance. From a psychological perspective, the elevation and size can lead to a phenomenon known as the “illusion of control.” Drivers might feel a heightened sense of invincibility or superiority, which could manifest in aggressive driving behaviors such as taking up multiple parking spaces or dominating multiple lanes. Philosophically, this can be viewed through the lens of power dynamics, where the physical largeness translates into a perceived right to assert dominance over shared spaces.

Responsibility and Ethics

With great power comes great responsibility—a principle that is crucial in ethical discussions about driving behaviors. Trucks, due to their size and the damage they can potentially cause, require a higher degree of responsibility. When truck drivers neglect this responsibility, it raises ethical questions about duty and the moral obligations we have towards each other in shared environments like roads. Each action of cutting across traffic or not using turn signals not only increases risk but also reflects a disregard for the well-being of others, challenging the ethical principle of “do no harm.”

Cultural and Social Conditioning

The behaviors of truck drivers can also be viewed through the prism of social conditioning. In many cultures, there is an archetype of the “rugged individualist” truck driver, an image that may encourage some drivers to adopt a more cavalier attitude on the road. This notion ties into broader societal values around individualism versus collectivism, where the emphasis on personal freedom and autonomy might sometimes conflict with community safety and collective well-being.

Anonymity and Accountability

The anonymity provided by being inside a vehicle can sometimes lead to a disconnect between personal actions and public accountability. This phenomenon, often discussed in social psychology, might explain why some truck drivers engage in irresponsible behavior. The separation created by the vehicle can lead to a diminished sense of personal accountability, encouraging behaviors they might otherwise avoid in more personally identifiable situations.

Reflecting on Change

To address these issues, it’s essential to foster a culture of respect and responsibility among all drivers, including those who drive trucks. Educational campaigns, stricter enforcement of traffic laws, and cultural shifts in how we view driving and road sharing are critical. Moreover, encouraging empathy—understanding the potential impact of one’s actions on others—could be a powerful tool in modifying behaviors.

In conclusion, the behavior of truck drivers who exhibit carelessness and a sense of entitlement on the roads can be a reflection of deeper psychological, ethical, and social dynamics. Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach, including education, law enforcement, and a shift in societal attitudes towards more empathetic and responsible road-sharing practices.

Dreams (NOT real life)



Dream that I pulled a big tooth out of my mouth.

Papi and I were seen on tv at a football game. He had lent me a jacket.

Dream where I found ‘two’ dollars in my book sack. But I thought I only had one dollar.

9/23 fri. Played 3 ends of dodgeball like 12 on 12. All ppl from middle and high school. That I knew won first 2. My teammates didn’t really help. 1st match I won by myself against the last 3 opponents.

Then got away.

Sat in a minivan to head back home. Yet arrived at a castle. Got Knighted. And stayed in a special room in a castle.


Live through a murder scene.

Went back into time and re-did the scene

  • this is the 1st dream ever where I’ve been able to go back into time (and redo).


I was high up safe.

But there were humans down in a sort of very large pit/ swamp filled with monstrous alligators and pythons. I witnessed the alligators ripping ppl to shreds. After the event (or whatever it was) was over, Some ppl survived. I remembered one girl did the best. Said that she killed ~3 pythons & ~ 1-2 gators.

[the gators were enormous like in the movies].

I just got to watch. Not possible for me to help. And I was completely safe. I think there was someone watching high up with me.

(Rarely do I get to witness others suffering/ getting killed. Usually ppl are chasing me)


11/10//?? Thurs. 1 am. Lots of stuff beforehand. Someone drove me to get some enjoyment (joyride). I had my laptop, and book proposal, etc. in my lap, near me. The front window was open, and I was trying not to lose my paperwork. We eventually stopped to get out (nighttime). The Baskin Robbins was closed. We walked into a dentist’s office waiting room. Dimly lit. I felt like I had to puke. A flush of stuff went to my mouth. I needed something to puke into. The room was entirely empty except for the bathroom door. I went for the door- LOCKED. I Puked right there on the floor. A huge blast of puke… including some painful, scraping blood at the end. A decent amount of blood in the ending of the puke too. Then I woke up.


I was on the phone w/ someone on the street on Acadian and Perkins. And I saw a blue Corvette turn at the light a skid/ drift at the turn. They kept trying to drift while driving down that street. They hit 3 cars, 2 jeep-looking cars. I flipped over. I went to see the ppl. I got to look 2 of the victims in the eyes.

They looked almost “fake”. Blood was there. They looked ‘pale yellow’ and kind of blurry. Like not real. And I was singing/ rapping the words ‘life is worth one million dollars’ whilst looking at the victims.

I glanced down the streets and there were No cars in sight driving down these streets.


Someone kidnapped me and trapped me in their mansion (maze)

I traversed through rooms doors and hallways.

Empty home (mansion-maze)

Eventually I escaped somehow

I made it to the streets

I was at some sort of outside vendor and the woman saw me I had to be conscious but smart about my doings/sayings to not get kidnapped again

I believe she was a bad person

She had at least one helper


March 31 Easter Sunday

My Friend, Belinda, and I were all relaxing in my home. Somehow, we were anticipating some sort of major event/thing/natural occurrence coming through. We didn’t know much at all about what it was or any idea of the timing of the thing coming through.

At a point during the day (dusk, low light, little clouds, dark but still visible outside) we heard a sort of change in the sound of nature/earth/wind/trees. Sorry of like a calm before the storm. Quiet for a period of time (minutes?)

We sat patiently and braced ourselves.

Then suddenly an extremely loud WOOOOOSH, Along with Powerful thunder-like claps, combined with trees rustling. It sounded as it there was what I would imagine a very massive/powerful hurricane. It was almost sudden. While the extremely loud/dangerous sound passed through the sky/atmosphere my friend & me noticed that the windows weren’t protected and were merely covered by plastic blinds. I don’t know what she thought but I surely anticipated the windows getting shattered and broken just by judging by the massive sounds passing through. After less than a minute of the tremendous sounds of [nature] passed through, we almost held our breadths as if it wasn’t done. Amazed I was by the in-tactness of everything in our home and the solidity of the still-standing windows. I got up and checked the windows to see outside. I maybe got a glimpse of a dark/dark hurricane-like looking giant figure (almost being-like) as if the force of nature had a mind of its own.

I was sure that this couldn’t be it and for some reason had thought that more was to come, or it wasn’t finished yet. I imagined it being a sort of wrath of God or something.

We sat a reflected for a little bit.

I decided to check out the surroundings after believe that we’d experienced the worst of it.

I got up, collected myself and drove out to see the aftermath (or lack of).

Nothing too bad was noticed. The worst part of it all was just the imagination, and the sensing of the sound, sights of the thing, and our thoughts.

I found a local sort of food truck.

I decided to get 2 burgers- one for my friend & one for myself. There were a few ppl also there waiting for food (maybe eating too?)

There were 2 ppl I think working the food truck.

I ordered from (a girl that looked famous- let’s call her SG) she whispered something just to me extremely lightly I could barely hear it- but I could see her mouth it so I knew what she was saying. And then I ordered the 2 burgers. I photo’d images of the burgers from the menu and texted it to my friend.

I wondered if doing this (getting food) was the best decision.

Time passed by.

She got distracted and chatted with a group of her friends (2-3 other girls) I assume to the side of the truck.

After ~10+ mins still no food ready.


We all heard a sort of crackling/thunderous sound (like a premonition or child of the prior natural feat).

We all braced ourselves as the sound got louder and closer. There wasn’t anywhere to take cover. The sky got very dark.

We saw nothing but each other (everyone at the food stop), the dark sky, the food truck, and alight visibility of trees and nature.

The very fast-moving (like a bullet train) we saw red light beaming towards us. Extremely fast. Almost machine like. As the lights got closer it appeared to be 2 small lights. And then even as they got closer it appeared to be two evil-like red eyes.

We became sort of worried/anticipating knowing there wasn’t much we could do and not enough time to even try to run anywhere.

Then as the lights became realistically close and visible we all braced ourselves.

As it approached it sort of slowed down so we could somewhat make out what it was.

It slowed to a slow speed as it got to our group. It sort of whispered something maybe from its own or another language (maybe ancient?)

Then dropped two reddish skulls on the ground in the middle of us all. They sort of glowed. The skulls were small- maybe of children?

The figure seemed to be a sort of grim-reaper like character/figure. All we could see of it was it’s deep red (evil-like) Eyes and a sort of cloak maybe. It was so dark combined with the dark sky.

I thought the skulls maybe a sort of explosive.

A few ppl crouched down and tried to study the 2 items. I decided best to just leave the scene. I ran/drive back home.

This was all very surreal & dreamlike.

I had no idea how to react/ think/ remember this entire event.


I woke up to my alarm (via my cell phone). Then brushed my teeth w/ my digital toothbrush. I then asked my Amazon Echo device for the weather & reminders for the day. I then hope in my electric vehicle and head to work. I use my cell phone to play a podcast via Bluetooth. I arrive at work early, and have to time to spare. I decide to pay my bills electronically via the utility’s respective app. I then walk up to the nearby snack machine, and grab a quick snack- paying for it via a vending machine app on my phone…